Thursday, August 24, 2023

Oh my...

~~ a hypothetical interview ~~ After Mr. Carson interviewed presidential candidate Trump, he kindly interviewed another presidential candidate named huhnki li. "Ok Mr. Hunki Li. What is your immigration policy?" Hunki answers: I love all races. But, white race is facing extinction. White race is an endangered species and that's why we need to protect and preserve the vulnerable white race. Of a foreigner is white, as u.s. president, I'll give that white person a free u.s. citizenship. "Wow. So you Mr. Hunki Li is a white supremacist and a racist!" Look Mr. Carson. You are not listening. I said I love all races equally. ... .. . "Ok Mr. Hunki Li. What is a foreigner is black or brown and apply for u.s. citizenship?" Well, in that case, I will give that black or brown foreigner only if that person is extremely smart or extremely beautiful. "So Mr. Hunki Li. You will be racially discriminating, which is unconstitutional." U.s. constitution does not apply to foreigners because they are not under the u.s. laws. And I am not discriminating anyone. All I'm saying is, America has enough blacks and enough browns. Blacks and browns are not facing extinction. They're the 'least concern' category. But, America does not have enough whites. America needs more whites. We need to farm the white race. We need to make young white females marry young white males and produce white babies. "So Mr. Hunki Li, as a u.s. president, you will implement human farming?" Yes. //:-0 ps please: Lol ty love Friends, mind You, this is a fiction novel, a comedy, not to be taken seriously //xD

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