Monday, June 18, 2018

Project Zero Debt

~~ Project Zero Debt ~~

It's easy.

It's linked to Project Crime Zero as well.

Criminals are lovers of risks and thrills and dangers.  So we will give it to them.  Let them farm bears and tigers and lions and elephants.

If you look down from an airplane over the American continent, America is 99.99% empty lands.  Ok?  So yeah.  All you gotta do is build a fence around the empty land and throw some animals in there xD.

How do you feed them?  Easy.  Let safari goers feed the animals.  People love feeding animals.  Trust the people.

Then, we will use free labor: prisoners and homeless people and illegal immigrants.  xD.  Too easy, right?

And I'm not gonna run those businesses myself as the president of America.  It'll be all private sectors.  They got the money, the investors.  No need for government money for this Prisoner-Farm program. 

These days in America, there is no good ideas.  That's why investors don't know what to do with their money.  So they invest in bitcoin, a big fraud.  Or some space rocket, a pure waste money.  Or driverless car, a dumb and dangerous idea.

So here is an idea they can invest in.

Use biotechnology and domesticate every species of animals on earth.  If they don't wanna mate, artificially inseminate the females, snatch their babies, and sell them internationally.

Farm elephants, and harvest their ivories.  Feed them growth hormones.

Gene-edit tigers so they grow up to the size of a cat.  Do it for all big cat species.  Export them as pets.

America will make so much money, the debt will be zero in four years.

Then I'll just go home.  I'll do just one term of presidency.

The fourth year of my first term, I'll just have this one last reality tv show,

'who wants to be the next president?'



Sunday, June 10, 2018

Invention Ideas

OK.  This is free for all.  Go ahead and implement or enhance these ideas, and make money.  I'm too lazy to do those things.  You do it.

- drone helicopters for one person.  Easy to fly.  Safe to fly.  Make it happen.

- wrinkle-free tie and suit that you can wash in your laundry machine and put in your drier machine.  I've done it, and seen some sport coat, blazer, that came out wrinkle free.  It's already out there.  You just need to identify which texture it is, that stay wrinkle free and folds not undone.

- solar farm in Mojave and Arizona and Texan deserts.  No one lives there.  So land is cheap.  No trees there, no animals.  Installing solar panels in no man's land is a win for everyone.  Do it.

- farming wild animals.  Bears live 15 years in the wild.  They live 30 years in captivity.  Cuz they are well fed, they don't kill one another.  With all the biotechnology we have, we can domesticate deer, moose, Dall sheep, mountain goat, mountain lion.  Do some genetic editing and keep them a dog size.  An adult bear at a dog size that can breed and perpetuate.  Do it.

Thursday, June 7, 2018


~~ The Marijuana God ~~

Let us take a look back at human history across diverse cultures. 

What is a god? 

If you are familiar with several religions, you will know key characteristics of gods. 

First, a god is omnipotent.  A god gives people what they want, like, food, money, happiness.  That is why any ancient cultures worshiped the sun as the Sun God. 

Second, a god is omnipresent.  That's why in any religion, people pray anywhere, not just in a temple or a church.  Because their god can hear them, because their god is everywhere.

Now.  Once people find a god, they start worshiping it, praising it.  That's only half of the story.  The other half is this: anyone who speaks against their god gets punished.  That is what we call, the capital sin of blasphemy, or sacrilege.

If you know a thing or two about human history, you know how toxic a religion can be to human minds.  A religion can paralyze a humans' rationality, blind their reason, and cloud their judgment.  You also know history repeats itself, unless one learns from the lessons of history. 

That is what's going on with marijuana.  Ladies and gentlemen, Marijuana is the God of contemporary America.

Let us take a moment and reason with logic, and think science.

Decades ago when marijuana was illegal in the United States, there were no shortage of scientific research about negative effects of smoking marijuana.  It once was scientifically proven that marijuana negatively affect short term memory. 

Then, the marijuana legalization activism emerged, and took over America.  The ideology of pro-marijuana-ism arose as the victor, the conqueror.  Now, it is the God of America.

What are Americans doing?  They worship marijuana.  They say this.

"Oh....Marijuana.....Thou art everywhere.....Thou art all powerful.....I praise Marijuana...."

People don't just smoke marijuana.  They make oil off of it and put it on skin.  They not only wear or smoke marijuana, they eat them too.  They put marijuana in pizza, even in cookies for their kids.  Marijuana, ladies and gentlemen, is everywhere.  It is an omnipresent God of America.

Marijuana is omnipotent as well. 

"Yes....Marijuana makes everything alright......It gives me happy....It gives me reason to live....It is the source of my happiness, my reason to live.....and and also gives me money too....when I sell it...."

Nowadays, promarijuanaism is so prevalent, no scientist dares to research on the negative effect of marijuana.  I bet that smoking or ingesting marijuana during pregnancy result in birth defects, just like alcohol does.  But no one dares to commit such truthful criticism against the big Marijuana.  Why?  Because it would be a blasphemy, sacrilege. 

American students' academic performance keeps sliding down in the ranks of countries.  China, #1.  South Korea, #2.  America?  #14.  That's the school performance ranking in international arena. 

What results as more and more young people smoke marijuana?  They won't be able to remember things.  Academic performance will go down further, like never before.  Ladies and gentlemen, marijuana is the last thing that America needs right now.

What about work performance by adults?  It will suffer too.  Because adults won't be able to remember things either, as they smoke marijuana.  As you can see, the popularization of marijuana will destroy the productivity of Americans. 

Looking at all this, it is clear to me that America is on a suicidal course.  Tattooism, piercingism, marijuanaism, gayism, transgenderism.  All these harmful ideologies.  This generation is infected with this big five false ideologies, and if we don't stop the ideologies, then our kids and grandkids will inherit the ideologies from us. 

I cannot and will not let that happen. 

I love kids because they are pure, innocent, and beautiful.  I will do my part in society and history to protect our beautiful children.

So people.  Join me.  Let us work together and start exorcising people of the evil ideologies.  Let us all be ghost busters.

Shall we?



Monday, June 4, 2018

Project Crime Zero

~~ Presidency Candidacy Fantasy ~~
It's simple.  It goes like this. 
You know I'm running for president in 2020, right?  xD.  So let's keep fantasizing xD.
Say, I swear in to the white house, come 2021 January.
There will be no ceremony. 
Why?  Here is why.  People are dying on the streets.  The very moment when I swear into the office.
This is no time for party.  Not yet.  We'll reduce crime to zero, then we'll party.
So.  The whole swear-in event will be just me and my friends, televised in the white house.  It's just me and a scotus justice and a bible, reciting the constitutional words, and that is it.  There will be no audience, no crowd, no nothing.  Just swear in. 
Then, everyone interested, plus a couple secret service agents and the cameramen, we will all start driving to a ghetto neighborhood in DC.  DC mayor will be joining us too.  It'll be all live TV event, right after the 5 minute swear-in event.  There will be no speeches, no choirs, no nothing.  We'll do the 5 minute swear-in event, and then start driving to ghettos with a bunch of latex gloves and plastic bags.
Then, we get there.  And we get off our cars.  And start picking up trashes in da hood xD.  We will pick up trash in public streets like that.  Then we'll invite residents to join us, cleaning up the neighborhood.  We'll pay them $10 per bag full of street trash.
That's the step 1.
Step 2 is filming all this and sell the footage to networks, internationally.  Money will start pouring in.  It's a self-funded program, without costing a penny to tax payers.  It's a reality TV show series.  The networks will share their advertisement revenue stream with the white house.  There will be donations, and volunteers as well, all feeding back to the program, 'Cleanup DC'.  The rest of the country, even the world, will follow our lead in DC.
Step 3 is to create jobs in the ghetto neighborhood.  The first job will be cleanup crew, consisting of unemployed people in their own ghetto neighborhood.  After streets are cleaned up, the new job will be working for competition events for martial arts, raps, hiphops, dances.  They will sing and dance, or spar, on the stage, legally.  We'll start getting investors then.

Step 4 is to create a work program in prison.  Let the prisoners commute by dedicated buses from jailhouse to landfills.  In a landfill, they, the prisoners, will be given a big red plastic bag.  Their job is to fill the bag with metals they can find in the landfill.  When the bag is filled, he can get off the landfill, and take the bus back to the prison.  Otherwise, he will stay in the landfill until the bag is filled.  This way, prisoners will learn the value of honest labor, and will be disciplined, will learn to work again.  Next day will be a blue bag, and they will fill it with glasses in the landfill.  The next day will be a white bag, in which they will collect plastics in the landfill.  It's better to divide the prisoners into blue, red, and white group each day.

Step 5 is for the better-behaving prisoners to process and melt the recycled materials.  The nuggets of the recycled plastics, metals, glasses will be used to build the southern border walls.  Another group of prisoners will be building the walls, or fences, along the southern borderline.

Step 6 is to gather investors, advertisers, volunteers, donors to continue to build the wall.  The wall will be called 'The Wall of Unison,' 'The Wall of Love.'  We'll invite Mexico in this, by reminding them that It's Mexico, not America, who is victimized by the illegal border crossings.  It is Mexicans who die and get raped during the immigration.  Mexico is suffering brain drain and brawn drain.  We will fund the border wall building by selling commercial advertisement lease, and permanent memorial space, along the walls.  Once the wall is built, there will be marathon, biking event along the long borderline, along the Wall of Peace.  The new wall will be an international tourist destination.  People will buy space in the wall so that they memorialize the names and engraved images of their loved ones, or their political messages, love poems, artworks, etc.  It'll be huge.  xD

Step 7 is to make universal bar exam system.  Just like a bar exam to become a lawyer, we'll make a bar exam for every school subject.  So that people, anyone, can just study on their own, without a cost, and take the exam for a fee, and get licensed in that subject.  That way, people can study for free, using Wikipedia, youtube, or other websites, about any subject, like Math or French, and get licensed for it.  We will encourage employers to disregard any negative background that people might have, so as to reintegrate ex-convicts back to society.

So yeah.  I can make this all happen.  So gimme the presidency in 2020.


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Mini Bio

Biography of Huhnkie Lee

Born in Ithaca, NY                                                               1978
Lived and graduated H.S. in Seoul, Korea                             1978 - 1997
B.S. in Comp Sci Univ. of Wisc. – Madison                             1997 - 2004
Studied Computational Biology in Cornell, NY                       2004 - 2006
Computer Programmer in Los Angeles, CA                            2006 - 2009
Actor/Director/Writer in Los Angeles, CA                             2006 - 2007
E4/SPC, US Army, GA, TX, Afghanistan                                 2009 - 2013
Patent Agent Certification, USPTO                                       2013
J.D. Univ. of Mich. Law School                                             2013 – 2015
Computer Programmer, Anchorage, AK                                 2015 - 2018
Attorney at Law, Licensed for Alaska, Federal Courts            May, 2018                                           

US Army – Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Technician of the 
       Year/Quarter, Soldier of the Quarter, Platoon Guide, AAAA Merit Scholarship
Independent Film Making – Best Avant Garde Film (Int’l Film Fest. of Ireland, 2011), "A Therapy
       for Metrophobia"
Univ. of Mich. Law - Dean's Scholarship
Cornell Univ. – Tri-Institutional Fellowship, Presidential Genomics Fellowship
Univ. of Wisc.  – Abram’s Scholarship, Dean’s List, National Dean’s List


Council of Representative, Czar, Cornell Univ.                       2005
Project Manager, Los Angeles, CA                                          2008
Platoon Guide, US Army                                                        2009

Hiking, Running, Weight Lifting, Singing, Dancing, Learning Foreign Languages, Martial Arts, Photography, Public Meeting Attending, Writing, Blogging.

Last Updated: June 22, 2018