Monday, June 18, 2018

Project Zero Debt

~~ Project Zero Debt ~~

It's easy.

It's linked to Project Crime Zero as well.

Criminals are lovers of risks and thrills and dangers.  So we will give it to them.  Let them farm bears and tigers and lions and elephants.

If you look down from an airplane over the American continent, America is 99.99% empty lands.  Ok?  So yeah.  All you gotta do is build a fence around the empty land and throw some animals in there xD.

How do you feed them?  Easy.  Let safari goers feed the animals.  People love feeding animals.  Trust the people.

Then, we will use free labor: prisoners and homeless people and illegal immigrants.  xD.  Too easy, right?

And I'm not gonna run those businesses myself as the president of America.  It'll be all private sectors.  They got the money, the investors.  No need for government money for this Prisoner-Farm program. 

These days in America, there is no good ideas.  That's why investors don't know what to do with their money.  So they invest in bitcoin, a big fraud.  Or some space rocket, a pure waste money.  Or driverless car, a dumb and dangerous idea.

So here is an idea they can invest in.

Use biotechnology and domesticate every species of animals on earth.  If they don't wanna mate, artificially inseminate the females, snatch their babies, and sell them internationally.

Farm elephants, and harvest their ivories.  Feed them growth hormones.

Gene-edit tigers so they grow up to the size of a cat.  Do it for all big cat species.  Export them as pets.

America will make so much money, the debt will be zero in four years.

Then I'll just go home.  I'll do just one term of presidency.

The fourth year of my first term, I'll just have this one last reality tv show,

'who wants to be the next president?'



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