Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Tax, PFD, and Inflation

Greetings, Fellow Alaskans- My name is Huhnkie Lee and I’m running for 2022 US Senate as an independent Alaskan. Alaska is one of seven states with no state income tax, like NV, FL, TX, SD, WA, WY. Alaska is the only state where every resident gets a dividend every year. But, there are concerns that Alaska may one day lose PFD, and then one another day, Alaskans would have to pay state income tax, like most states. We, as Alaskans, don’t want either to happen. The problem is this. Inflation is like a law of nature, like gravitation. For instance, $1 a hundred years ago is equivalent to $15 today. The reason for inflation probably is that the federal government print out more money than necessary every year, in order to pay its debt or to hand out free money to people as assistance. And Inflation causes for price to go up. The cost of running a state government’s business will go up too. That explains why some are concerned that PFD may continue to decrease and eventually go away, and there will be new state income tax, which will continue to increase annually. This may happen if Alaska’s total economic activities stay the same, that is, if Alaska’s economy does not grow but stays the same. This is why I support Pebble Mine and ANWR Oil. Making more money is the only way to keep PFD and to prevent state income tax in Alaska. For more: Thank You!

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