Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Sinatra, Oil, and Energy

Greetings, Fellow Alaskans- My name is Huhnkie Lee and I’m running for 2022 US Senate as an independent Alaskan. These days, Democrats believe that the green, renewable solar and wind power will soon 100% replace fossil fuel and even some Republicans start to believe it. Well, let’s ask Mr. Frank Sinatra about this: “Oil and energy, oil and energy, Go together like a horse and carriage. This I tell ya, brother, you can't have one without the other. It's an institute you can't disparage. Ask the local gentry and they will say it's elementary. Try, try, try to separate them, it's an illusion. Try, try, try and you only come to this conclusion.” That pretty much sums it up for me. Solar and wind power generates only electricity. They talk about electric cars but they take too long to charge. Will they one day invent electric passenger airplane, electric rocket to send satellites off the earth? Not likely. Why? It is a physical impossibility to have a battery that can store that huge amount of electric energy. The law of physics says no. A battery can store only small amount of electric energy, because it takes too much energy itself to separate positively charged ions and negatively charged ions in isolation, which is how battery works. Also, solar and wind energy is just too weak and small compared to fossil fuel. It’s all unscientific, wishful thinking. By the way, I’m pro-Pebble too. For more on this, please: Thank You!

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