Tuesday, January 25, 2022

"Toolean function" //:-)

h36 -- toolean(ternary) function: -1, 0, +1 majority moral function k1(i,f,e,o): i f e o i -1 -1 -1 -1 f -1 -1 +1 -1 e -1 -1 +1 0 o -1 -1 +1 0 that is, most citizens support their nation's soldiers' killing enemies, but they would not get their own hands dirty. -- moral group G = (x,m) = {x|m(x)=1}, m(x) = if x affords m, x observes m. compliance of m equilateralizes x with G, violation of m antilateralizes x against G. e.g. Friend group moral: hang out once a month ^ be friendly ^ help each other Company group moral: work for company ^ M-F 8-5 ^ be courteous and professional moral is a divider of (division operator on) a host set. recursively binary categorization: m1: do not murder m2: do not steal m1: ___|___ | | m1 -m1 m2: _|_ _|_ | | | | m2 -m2 m2 -m2 -- outer forms change in time, inner essence never changes. the essence of social phenomena: power struggle among minority morals and majority morals (moral evolution). jesus and criminals on the cross: all belong to minority moral group who are against majority moral group. jesus antilateralized himself against majority moral group by violating their morals such as "wash your hands before eating," "do not work on sabbath," "do not associate with heathens/prostitutes/publicans" Jesus said, "why do you say I am good? God is the only one who is good." Humanologically, Jesus was in violation of Jew's morals. Hence, Jesus is evil according to Jews and that is why Jews called him a sinner, and advocated death penalty on him. -- moral potential levaraging (moral linking): - | + m1 m2 m1 potetial decreases (at the expense thereof), and m2 potential increases. i.e. m1 and m2 are linked. intra-leveraging: bio(ego)-moral vs. integro(id)-moral inter-leveraging: A's moral vs. B's moral -- quadro-leverage (the invisible hand made visible, the mechanism thereof) consumption purchase A: future benefit present payment + - - + B: past labor present earning production sale didualic quadrangle (quadraple leverage, didualic christmas tree): + /. / / . / + / . . / . \ / . \ . /. \ - \. - -- financial bubbles are, in every essence, ponzi schemes that are bound to burst: previous investors get paid at the expense of next investors. -- new industry/technology first introduces a new good, then a new evil, such as computer virus hacking or opportunistic reselling of financial products, i.e. bubble-making. that's why a new law should always accompany a new industry in order to restrict the new evil who would otherwise go unbridled, unpenalized. --virtue and vice of the market bubble virtue is to generate excitement for investors so that an industy sector get the needed money to develop itself. vice is the excess of mediators. suppose a developer D, a mediator M, and an investor I. D needs $100, M has $0, I has $100. D is willing to pay $2/month, I is willing to accept $1/month. Now, M borrows $100 from I and lends it to D, taking $2/month from D and paying $1/month to I, making $1/month to shimself. Note that, were it not for M, D and I could have agreed on $1.5/month, benefiting both with $0.5/month. D is earning money by producing goods and I by investing shis own capital, but M is earning money without any productive labor, without sacrificing any of shis own capital. Hence, although M's labor does result it earning money to shimself, it does not contribute to the economy, because it would have benefitted both D and I more than if M had not been mediated in the transaction at all. --the role of a mediator sellers - mediator - buyers a mediator collects goods from multiple sellers, and advertises to multiple buyers. the mediator presents the goods in a marketplace, so that buyers with different needs can select the needed good in a market, without the need to visit every seller scattered around.

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