Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Logos projection theory

--humanology3 --logos projection use bible/novel/movie as projection template and project character/event onto oneself, people/event around shim. --humanological coordinatization map life events onto 1 dimensional birants, 2 dim quadrants, 3 dim octorants. categorize, align event according to mapped axis. -- sisyphus syndrome: intolerable jadedness with repetitious, cyclic, seemingly endless labor. cure:have a long term goal -- interpretation of opposite sex's reaction is subject to subjectivity. if she's nice to you, perhaps she's nice to everyone and you're just one of 'them.' it may not mean she likes you. if she's bad to you, perhaps she's in bad mood. it may not mean she dislikes you. if she seems to like you, perhaps you want her to like you and she does't like you at all. if she seems to dislike you, perhaps she likes you but she wants to disguise her affection towards you because she's shy and ashamed or embarassed about it. in many, cases, if not most, you cannot tell for sure what's going on in her mind. whether she likes you or not, it's your imagination, conjecture, speculation, fear, wish or fancy that makes her the way she appears to you. -- 01234567 0:ignorance 1:realization of ignorance 2:research 3:planing and preparation 4:initiation 5:endeavor 6:achievement 7:publication and propagation if you stop at 6, it remains selfishness. Jesus is the 7th element: "give out all your possessions to the poor and follow Jesus." --negative copium analysis immaterial material id 1 2 (immaterial) ego 3 4 (material) 1: lack of knowledge 2: boredom, jadedness 3: lack of career progress, namelessness, unpopularity 4: hunger, lack of comfort, illness --positive copium source(food) analysis(anatomy, categorization, assortment) production(immaterial) consumption(material) id 1 artistic achievement 2 consuming music/art (immaterial) ego 3 title achievement 4 savory food,sexuality (material) immaterial=heavenly, immortal material=earthly, mortal 1: producing arts/music, researching science, realizing wisdom/truth, epiphany. 2: science studying, art viewing/listening, 3: 'getting a big break', 'getting noticed', publication, popularity, money making, financial success, job/salary promotion, admission/graduation on titular school, honorable recognition 4: savory food, sex, voyeurism note: 'savory food' is luxury, 'food' is necessity. 'real sex' is luxury, 'virtual sex' is necessity. positive copium as 'mental necessity' is what generates 'satisfaction' of the moment. it needs to be refilled. that is, alpha gives x happiness now, but y gets fed up with alpha. so y needs beta. then gamma and so on. hence, copium source is a consummable good. --recursive didualism -+ = + +- = - - + <=> +- -+ + - -+ +- --wealth analysis (mentality anatomy) (immaterial) (material) asset capital id 1 character 2 equipment (immaterial) ego 3 title 4 money/beauty (material) 1,3: what you take to grave (, travel) 2,4: what you leave before grave (, travel) charity is converting 4 into 1. 1: morality, character, wisdom, knowledge, skill, talent, moral achievements rewarding experiences 2: musical instruments, accessibility to knowledge(book, online), practical car, practical residence, equipment 3: college/education title, social status, job title, romantic/financial achievements, fond memory. 4: luxury house, fancy car, gf/bf, spouse, children, money, beauty x:mentality axis, y:asset axis --poverty analysis (immaterial) (material) asset capital id 1 ignorance,sin 2 lack of equipment/access (immaterial) ego 3 ignominy,namelessness 4 debt/skinniness/obesity (material) 1: past mistake, sin, immaturity, ignorance 3: bad experience, unpopularity, notoriety, public shame, failure, defeat, dishonor, namelessness, obscurity, unrecognizedness -- in mating/dating, people seek either high-echelon compatibility or upward incompatibility. -- for a pretty woman, dating a poor guy is expensive in opportunity cost. -- spatial minupluson (id-yd/ego-epo didualon) : education. x take ego from y, x give id to y. temporal minupluson (ego-id didualon): work-reward. spatial pluminuson : theft, harassing, rape, etc. spatio-temporal didualon (ego-epo didualon): x defeat y, then y revenge on x. --pronounization death, love, God are pronounized words in bible. death pronounizes 'defeat, ugliness, misery' as consequential minuson. --common male-to-female score function dod=-p chem_w=1 comp_w=-2 chemistry domain vector = (politics, religion, arts, science, language, culture) compatibility domain vector = (appearance, income, academic title, job title, popularity) --score function score = sigma weight_i(i) * value_i(y) where i is 'aspect domain' such as appearance, interest/appreciation in arts/sports, knowlegeable in science, same religion/culture/language/age /income level/social status, etc. --attraction equation attraction score = chemistry weight * chemistry score + compatibility weight * compatibility score dod = -power(i), i want some thing different. chem_w = -1 comp_w = -2 since -power(i) and comp_w < 0, i want +beauty(y). since chem_w < 0, i want different(y) who has chem_s < 0. weight vector changes/differs in humanological time and space. -- domain of discourse= powerful(i) c:chemistry, o:compatibility=pretty p -p c +2 +0 -c -0 -2 --ethical return matrix g:good, b:bad. horizontal:return, vertical:receive. g 0 b g +0 ++1 +2 0 -1 0 +1 b -2 --1 -0 0:no interaction +0:exchange of favor. mutual help. cooperation. partnership. -0:revenge. war. ++1:charity +1:forgiveness -1:ingrateness --1:unprovoked assault,bullying,offense,crime +2:returning good for evil, 'love thy enemy' -2:returning evil for good, betrayal, 'crucifixion of jesus', blasphemy, patri/matricide ethical return matrix is skew-symmetric. --relation stability matrix c:chemistry, o:compatibility o -o c +2 +0 -c -0 -2 b:beautiful, p:powerful "c" birant b -b p ++2 +0 -p ++0 +2 "-c" birant b -b p -0 --2 -p -2 --0 -- trutheism, trutheist, trutheology. -- deuteronomy: "stone the wizard who dreams." freud, that is. --critique on psychology the name 'psychology' has too much of negative connotation. negative words and phrases like 'psycho,' 'psychosis,' 'psychopathic,' 'psyche out' all share the common root of the presumed and supposed scientific discipline. a constructive suggestion to address and resolve this problem is to rename the entire discipline of 'psychology' into 'humanology,' which sounds more 'humane.' then laypeople won't be 'psyched out' when they hear or read the name. -- to model and analyze the real human world, game theorists need not be 'that' generalizing as mathematicians do, for the world is not mathematics. when it comes to the discipline of human world, you need to de-nerdify, de-geekify yourself and get your hands and brains a little bit dirty. -- 3-person copium dynamics(copium flow, copium conformation, copium current landscape) weakest -> stronger -> strongest -> weakest --critique on game theory c d c 1 2 d 3 4 consent/dissent, cooperate/defect model. 1. prisoner paradox: too fictional 2. hawk-dove game: hawk-hawk state can result in either victory or defeat 3. (black-out) volunteer paradox, chicken game: in real world, people do not go thru such 'deliberation' and their path of action therefore is not based on such 'speculation' on other people's action and cost/benefit analysis thereof. rather, they act on one simple comparitive inequality: pain(c) <> pain(d). that is, those whose pain(blackout) > pain(report), will report and those whose pain(blackout) < pain(report), will not report and those whose pain(blackout) ~= pain(report), will either report or not report. the comparative outcome of the inequality is the combined result of: 1. personality 2. situation of the actor. in swerve-straight chicken game, if the actor is hot-headed and his new girlfriend is watching the chicken game, he will be more likely to take the 'c' or 'straight' path. on the other hand if the actor is a timid man and none of his acquaintances is watching the chicken game, he is more likely to take 'd' or 'swerve' path. --action table(descriptive,prescriptive) w -w h +1 -0 -h -1 +0 +0 -> -1 :pluminustic path (trigger of interest) -1->+0: give-up, complacency, content, denial -1 -> +1 :minuplustic path(goal establishmen, study, endeavor) +1->-1: failure, deprivation, collapse +0->-0:luck,windfall,indifference -0->+0: donation, decline, return -0 -> +1: discovery, appreciation, realization, gratitude +1->-0:whim,fed-up,jadedness,boredness -0,-1: unstable state +0,+1: stable state -1->+1 occurs when: pain(tantalization) > pain(endeavor) |anticipation(success)| > |fear(failure)| pleasure(anticipatory success) > pleasure(current complacency, status quo easiness) pain(progress deficiency) > pain(possible failure) -- children suffering from illnesses and hunger, they're working for their rewards in heaven. their endeavor of hard life will not go in vain. demon = dirty/evil spirit. incubus, succubus, etc. alpha point ~ omega point = evolutionary age + physical age. copium flow maneuver spontaneous copium flow: weak -> strong. copium flow reversal: weak <- strong (thru rebellion, defiance, reprimand)

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