Thursday, July 4, 2024

Oh well ... ok

~~ a crucifixion comedy ~~ Hi hunki li I am sorry I came to arrest you today ... ... ... The Americans Voted for The dictator Who is A convicted criminal ... ... ... I am a federal employee In the United States of America In 2025 ... My boss The president of the United States He ordered me To Hang you hunki li ... ... ... I'm sorry hunki li I like you ... But ... I am a father and a husband hunki li ... I hope you understand ... I hope you forgive me ... My wife and kids They're hungry, hunki li They need food ... It is a moral dilemma hunki li Sure Your philosophy luxury ... ... ... I'm ashamed To have to Execute you hunki li ... ... .. But ... I love you hunki li But ... I love my wife and kids more than u ... ... How about my boss? ... The u.s. dictator president? Who ordered me To Crucify you hunki li? ... ... ... I did not vote for him hunki li ... Don't tell anyone about this hunki li ... I voted for you hunki li ... ... .. ... Ok hunki li. You have choices. Ok? ... Death penalty for hunki li. Presidential order. I am sorry. But . My wife and kids are hungry. I'm sorry hunki li. I have to do my job. So. ... .. .. Do you want a sleeping pill? We can arrange that. America is a very civilized country. ... ... ... "..." Hey hunki li You... You always Fantasized about Fighting Alaskan male grizzly bear ... What an idea ... Yeah. Let's do this. ... We'll give hunki li His favorite weapon of choice ... Made in China Nunchucks .. ... ... Like roman empire Coliseum gladiator stuff We will make entertainment money 💰 ... We'll televise this.. Advertisement revenue.. Oh... ... How ... Nice.. ... Ladies and gentlemen Hunki li with nunchucks And the hungry and angry Alaskan grizzly bear 🐻 ... Let us Be Entertained ... Happy July 4th everyone ... ... ... " //:-0 " Ps: too avant-garde to even for you, huh? //xD

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