Thursday, August 22, 2024

A political satire

~~ ok let's tolerate ~~ Hi everybody My name is Dun Tump ... ... ... I'm a European American white straight man ... Back in the days I married two European American white women ... Each of them gave birth to Blonde white daughters ... My first blonde white daughter She married a brown Jewish middle eastern non-white man ... My second blonde white daughter She married a brown Arabic middle eastern non-white man ... My European white heritage Is Cut Off ... I'm angry ... ... ... And I'm unwise ... ... ... I'm gonna blame Non-white Illegal immigrants ... ... ... So Hey You Some...... Americans out there... .... .. ... Would you kindly... Care to join me..... ... In this.... this... Unwise.. ... Blaming game please.. ... ... Yeah... Scapegoat... ... Deport 1 million illegal immigrants ... ... ... I know ... I know that I am stupid ... I also know that ... There some others.. ... Somewhere in America ... Who are ... As stupid as I am ... I know they're there still ... The brain washed ones ... I am counting on them ... To Make America Stupid Again ... My name is Dun Tump And I approve this message 👏 👌 👍 🙌 😊 😉 . .. " //xD "

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